Chester Hill High School

Strength in Unity, Excellence in Education

Telephone02 9644 1099

Welfare policy

Chester Hill High School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) school and is committed to fostering safe, respectful learners who belong. Student Welfare is driven by a holistic approach where all facets of an individual, including their emotional wellbeing and learning needs are catered for. We strive towards enabling all students to reach their learning potential and become lifelong learners and good citizens. Students are valued and supported to attain their own individual goals and encouraged to learn and grow with confidence. The welfare of students is the responsibility of every classroom teacher.

The Chester Hill High School community is large and diverse, with approx. 1000 students from over 70 backgrounds and an Intensive English Centre as part of the campus. Diversity is strength and it is respected, valued and celebrated within the school community.

The school supports the 2009 Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, which sets out two goals for education. Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence. All young Australians become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens.

Welfare structure and procedures

The Welfare Team is made up of the Head Teacher Welfare, Year Advisers, Assistant Year Advisers, Counsellors, Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Student Engagement, Head Teacher Learning Support, and Learning Support Staff, Transition Coordinator and Head Teacher Administration. The roles of each of these people are listed by following this link.

All student welfare information is kept on Sentral. Teachers can document behaviour, learning issues, welfare concerns, send letters to parents etc on Sentral. These reports can also be used as notifications to Head Teachers, Year Advisers, Counsellors, HT Welfare, Deputies, Transition Coordinator and others.

Head Teachers and Deputies act on behaviour reports, while the Welfare Team acts on welfare concerns.

Each week a summary sheet of all the reports entered on Sentral from the previous week is discussed at the Weekly Welfare Meeting. There is one meeting for Years 7, 9 and 11 and another meeting for Years 8, 10 and 12. The Welfare Meeting is comprised of the relevant Year Advisers and Assistant Advisers, Deputies, Counsellor, Head Teacher Welfare, Head Teacher Admin, Head Teacher Student Engagement, Transition Coordinator and a representative from Learning Support.

At Welfare Meetings students of concern are discussed and follow up can include: parent interview, Year Adviser informal interview, Welfare Interview (Year Adviser and HT Welfare – see below), Counsellor Referral, Special Progress Report, Conduct Card, Positive Behaviour for Learning Booklet, Attendance Card and also referral to Home School Liaison Officer, Learning Support, Transition Coordinator or outside agency. The minutes from these weekly meetings form the basis for the weekly Welfare Report to the Executive.

Each Year Advisor from Year 7 – 12 has a timetabled period with the Head Teacher Welfare to interview students who require support, guidance and intervention. Year Advisers recommend students to be interviewed for a number of reasons. Some students have been recommended for interview after discussion in Welfare Meetings. Other students have specific welfare issues which need to be addressed, while others are identified for intervention before they become serious behaviour problems. These interviews are non-punitive and often involve offering strategies for changing behaviour and/or incentives for improvement, as well as follow up over time.

PB4L booklets are issued by Year Advisers or Head Teacher Welfare. They focus on the core values of safety, learning, respect and belonging. The students are given feedback by their teachers each lesson, which is comprised of a number on a numerical scale. The smaller the number, the better the behaviour. These booklets are issued when students need monitoring and feedback to manage their behaviour and before the situation escalates to suspension and conduct cards. Students placed on PB4L booklets have them signed by parents every day and must also report to the Year Adviser for support, monitoring and guidance.

Conduct cards are issued by deputies after In school suspension, suspension or Long Suspension. They can also be issued if a suspension has not occurred but a worrying number of behaviour reports has indicated a serious problem with behaviour. Students must present their cards (which are stapled to the student's diary) to the teacher on entry to the classroom and the teacher gives feedback at the end of the lesson indicating a Y (Yes) or N (No) in terms of whether students have

  • Stayed on task
  • Followed Instructions
  • Acted Safely

If the teacher has had to record "N" they are asked to provide information on the back of the card AND follow up the behaviour with an entry to Sentral and appropriate punishment such as detention. Students on Conduct Cards are not allowed to attend excursions but may go to whole school days such as sports carnivals.

Students in Years 10 – 12 who have been sent N Award Warnings in a number of subjects will be given an opportunity to redeem. They will be placed onto a Student Review process, which encourages them to redeem tasks and get back on track for their credential. Students who do not make effort to redeem may have to repeat the year or, if they are over 17, could be expelled from school for non participation in learning.

Positive recognition

Recognition and celebration of student achievement in all curriculum and co-curricular areas of school contributes to student wellbeing. This recognition of student achievement and participation occurs at our annual speech day and through regular acknowledgement at school assemblies and the presentation of merit, participation and school service awards.

The Commendation and Award process operates cumulatively and allows each student the opportunity to be commended for a variety of positive behaviours and exemplary performances. We believe all students who constantly do their best in class, in the playground and also in the outside community, should be recognized for their achievements and positive attitudes. A student does not have to be a top academic or sporting student -just a considerate, caring and hardworking student who contributes to the positive tone of the school.

First level

All students start on this category and this is where they begin to collect and save merit awards. Teachers issue merit awards for safe, respect, learning and belonging. This may include certificates for consistent effort, outstanding results, commitment to school initiatives, leadership, extra-curricular participation, excellence in sport and faculty commendations. There are also special high achiever and Principal commendation letters.

The table below shows the value allocated to each type of merit.

Students collect 50 points to move to the next level.

Chester hill high school awards

  • Standard Chester Hill Merit Award: 1 Point
  • Year Advisor's Award: 5 Points
  • Principal's Commendation: 10 Points
  • Principal's PB4L: 0 Points (it's a token certificate given after the student has shown you 10 merits or 5 merits + a Year Adviser's certificate
  • Special Faculty Based Award: 5 Points
  • Awards issued prior to term 4 2011: 0 Points
  • First in Subject: 5 Points
  • Premier Student of the Year: 5 Points

Awards from DEC, etc

  • Premier's Reader ship Challenge: 10 Points
  • Competitions (Maths, etc): 5 Points (for entry)
  • Competitions (Maths, etc): 10 Points (for distinction)
  • Premier's Debating Challenge: 10 Points
  • SRC Membership Award: 10 Points
  • Mathletics (Stamped by faculty): 1 point
  • Certificate of Appreciation: 0 Points
  • Saturday/Sunday School: 0 Points

Bronze level

Students collect 50 points from the previous level and submit them to the relevant Assistant Year Adviser. They will receive a Bronze Certificate, a positive letter home and a reward.

Silver level

Students collect 100 points from the previous level and submit them to the relevant Assistant Year Adviser. They will receive a Silver Certificate, a positive letter home and a reward.

Gold level

Students collect 150 points from the first level and submit them to the relevant Assistant Year Adviser. They will receive a Gold Certificate, a positive letter home and a reward.

Gold medallion

Students collect 200 points from the first level and submit them to the relevant Assistant Year Adviser. They will receive a Gold Medallion at the Annual Presentation Day.

Platinum level

Students collect 350 points from the first level and submit them to the relevant Assistant Year Adviser. They will receive a Platinum Certificate, a positive letter home and a reward.

Diamond level

Students collect 500 points from the first level and submit them to the relevant Assistant Year Adviser. They will receive a Diamond Certificate, a positive letter home and a reward.

School community notice board

The notice board at the front of the school is used to display important school messages. These messages not only act as a reminder of important school events but as a chance to inform the community of significant achievements attained by the students of the school.

Parent letters

The notification of students' success and effort is recognised through personal letters home to parents and caregivers.

Sports assembly

At the end of each year a sports assembly is held to celebrate the outstanding sporting successes that occurred throughout the year.

Recognition in the school newsletter

Regular newsletters are sent to parents to inform them of school activities and celebrate student achievements.

School Web page and Facebook page: The school's web page and Facebook page are regularly updated with recent school activities and student achievements.

School displays

Many practical subjects at Cheso create major projects as part of their coursework and use these to decorate (e.g. art work) and provide improved amenities in the school grounds. 

Welfare programs

Chester Hill High School runs a huge number of programs which aim to support, encourage, extend, engage and instil confidence and love of learning in our students. Thanks to Ms Fenton, Mrs Corcoran, Mr Rosewall, Ms Margaronis and Ms Abdulhadi for helping to compile this list:

Helmsman Project

Helmsman Project is a mentoring program for Yr 9 students carried out through the challenging sport of sailing. Students learn leadership, team work and are encouraged to gain the skills through sailing. The program culminates with a five day sailing experience. Students receive certificates in Introduction to Sailing and Completed Sailing.

Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is the most valued student leadership group in the school. Students are voted into the SRC by their peers and representatives come from every year group. The SRC are responsible for many important initiatives like fund raising, recycling, charity events and acting as chairpersons for Year Meetings. The school leaders (School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects) are chosen from the ranks of the SRC.

Flag Day

Flag Day is held in Term 2 each year. Students have the opportunity to represent their culture as flagbearers or dancers or can be involved in the choir, backstage, other dance groups etc. Flag Day is the premier event in the school calendar and its focus is respect for diversity and inclusiveness.

Motivational Media

Motivational Media occurs once a year. All students are given a motivational message through music and film. Three large screens are used to give the motivational message maximum impact.

Homework Centre

The Homework Centre operates every Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in the Library after school from 3.30 till 4.30. Students can use the Library's resources or get help from a teacher to complete homework and assignments.


iTrack is a mentoring program for Year 10 students who are matched with successful people from the business world. There are three face to face meetings and weekly interactions through the iTrack computer program. Students work with their mentors on activities to promote goal setting, planning and improving skills for employability.


ASPIRE is also a mentoring program to motivate students to look at university as a possibility in the future through the University of NSW. Students visit the university and work with University student mentors.

Fast Forward

Fast Forward is a University of Western Sydney mentoring program for 15/16 students from Yr 9 to Year 12. This involves 5 sessions/workshops plus a university visit each year. Students are also given free access to a tutoring program to assist them at school. This program also provides motivation to look at a university career.

Lord and Lady Somers camp

Each year two students from Year 11 are selected to attend the Lord Somers and Lady Somers Camp in Victoria during the Christmas holidays. The program is funded by OUT and the selected students spend a week on camp with other students from all over Australia. Their resilience, leadership and teamwork skills are fostered.

Transition to high school

Yr 6/7 Transition – A four-day orientation program to High School is run for all Yr 7 students at the beginning of Term 1. New year 7 students participate in a variety of activities to assist them with their transition to high school such as Peer Support, student engagement activities and familiarizing themselves with the new school environment.

Selected students program

Yr 6 Selected Students Program – Selected Primary school Year 6 students are targeted to participate in a 5 week program to assist students who need extra assistance with transition to High School. These students have been referred from the Year Adviser, Learning and Support Team and Primary Teachers.

Taster lessons

Year 5 Taster Lessons – Year 5 Primary School students participate in a variety of typical High School lessons available to them. For example: Cooking lessons, PE lessons, History and English lessons.

I am champion program

‘I am Champion'  (Program with Christian Marchegiani) Teenage boys experience many changes physically, mentally, and emotionally. In addition, the pressures of succeeding and living up to the expectations placed on them by society, girls, and social media can make it a very confusing time.. ‘I am CHAMPION' is a program which is aimed at helping teenage boys confront these issues, as well as developing the necessary skills to deal with and overcome the things they struggle with the most as they grow into adulthood.

Hip Hop

Hip Hop is A Coolaburoo-funded Hip Hop initiative targeting disengaged at-risk boys and girls from Year 7 to Year 9.

Peer support

Peer Support involves Year 11 students mentoring Year 7 students in their first year of school. Regular meetings are arranged between leaders and students in which mind matters and peer support activities take place, helping to build strong relationships and discuss any welfare issues Year 7 may be experiencing; such as bullying or isolation in school. 

Year meetings

Year Meetings are held twice a term, with the first meeting focusing on Welfare issues, and the second a ‘Celebration of Success'.  The first meeting of the term has a welfare or other theme which is discussed and explored e.g. "Social Media", "Study Skills" or "Communication" while the second meeting gives Assistant year Advisers the opportunity to reward the students in the Year Group who have achieved success through the merit system.

Peer mediation

The Peer Mediation Program gives students an opportunity to resolve conflict by using trained student mediators who have learned the principles of conflict resolution and who can enable them to find compromise and agreement when they are in dispute. Peer Mediators are trained every second year. Peer Mediation is accessed by contacting Ms Pannizzolo in the Science Staffroom.

Student review

Student Review Process identifies students who are at risk of not meeting minimum requirements. These students are guided to enable them to redeem their tasks and to get back on track for their credential.

Colgate Palmolive Day

The Smith Family partnership targets Year 10 students who are at risk of disengaging and who need exposure to apprenticeships and TAFE pathways. The 12 students nominated visit the Colgate Palmolive factory at Villawood and meet various people who talk about their educational and employment history. The students experience a modern working factory.

USYD Experience Day

The Smith Family partnership targets Year 9 and 10 students who are interested in university but may not be aware of / exposed to the possibility of university for them. This involves 25 students. The students select 2 experiences they would like to have in particular faculties.


The Smith Family partnership involves 15 Year 10 students who are at risk of disengaging. They are matched with mentors who are professionals in the commercial / financial world. The mentoring happens once a week by computer link – live computer chat – and the students and mentors meet face-to-face at least once.

100 faces

"100 Faces, 100 Stories" is a mentoring program run by business partners OPTUS. Students from the IEC and High School are targeted to work with mentors. The meetings and workshops result in an artwork and story representing the students' experiences and these artworks and stories are published in a book.


The Smith Family partnership/scholarships are means and merit based, and follow many of our students from primary school.

TAFE Taster Programs 

Are centred at Granville, Bankstown and Wetherill Park TAFEs. Students in Year 10 and IEC attend a taster class 1 day for a semester. The courses available vary and include: automotive, hairdressing, beauty, barista, child care. The target group are those students who are interested in leaving school and would like to experience TAFE. These taster courses, also called PPI courses, are dependent on the amount of money available to TAFEs.

Yamaha Student Grand Prix 

A partnership between Yamaha, a small number of schools and is brokered by South West Connect. Students interested in the technical side of motorbikes participate in a competition that is both practical and theoretical. There are a number of rounds. The students are also exposed to the excitement of V8 and super bike racing and have the opportunity to attend Ultimo TAFE for a day and also go to On Two Wheels, at Campbelltown.

Links to Learning 

A program run by MTC in the school. It targets students who are at risk of disengaging from their school work for a number of reasons: poor attendance, behavioural issues, peer relationships, family trauma, difficulties organising school work etc. The target group is Year 10. Links 2 Learning is based on single gender groups that complete a comprehensive program covering such things as: positive self-image, career planning, anger management, team work, first aid, white card, barista, personal grooming and resume writing. There are two groups of 15 students and they complete the program in a semester, this year it is girls in first semester and boys in second semester.  It is one day a week and usually the group meets and works in the Common room. The students are nominated by their year adviser and deputy responsible.

Youth Connections 

A mentoring program run by MTC offered to the most at risk and/ or disengaged students. It is case management of individual students who are mentored one period a cycle by a youth worker who maintains contact with the student during holidays and the time between visits. Individual students are referred to Youth Connections. The number of placements is limited.

AFL Enrichment Program

AFL work with students at risk of disengaging and run workshops on social skills etc as well as fitness.

Café Horizons

A program run by the Salvation Army at an actual café in Cabramatta. Students are referred then interviewed for suitability. It is for students who are disengaged from school. They need to have an interest in hospitality because they are offered an opportunity to work towards Cert ll in Hospitality and are given practical instruction in many areas of café work. Students who are referred to Café Horizons are still part of CHHS even though they are completing a 5 day per week, 20 week program. It is part of a Links to learning program.

CGEA Courses

Are Certificate ll in General Education for Adults that are completed at MTC offices in Bankstown and Liverpool. Students are referred to this program and they attend for a semester. The CGEA is a Year 10 equivalent and can be used as a pathway qualification for TAFE. The students who attend these courses are extremely disengaged from mainstream but are either keen to gain a credential or there are court imposed orders for them to attend full time education.

Warrakiri  College

A private college that is run by MTC and funded by the Federal Government. It has two campuses, Fairfield and Parramatta. The Fairfield campus offers CVGE or Year 10 equivalent and a limited senior curriculum. It is an alternative setting for students who are not managing mainstream but still need to be engaged in learning. It is a more open campus than mainstream.


through the Careers office students can obtain applications for Tax File Numbers that are processed by the school and sent off to the ATO. Students come to either the careers Adviser or the Transition Adviser to obtain these forms and communicate with the ATO if there are any issues.


Many hours are spent communicating with the University Admissions Centre (both domestic and international divisions) on behalf of Year 12 students.

Community liaison

Community Liaison Officers work with students and families from Arabic, Karen, Vietnamese and Pacific Community backgrounds.

Youth workers

Fairfield and Bankstown Youth Workers Networks – the school is kept in the email loop for both youth worker networks and are a point of contact for various programs or organisations that may be useful to the school eg Coolaburoo Neighbourhood Centre

Learning and support programs 

Breakfast club

From Term III 2012 Breakfast Club has run on Mondays and Wednesdays for refugee students. Meals are served from 8:00am. Menu: Fried rice with vegetables, hot pancakes with toppings, lunch to take: bread roll with cheese, Milo or Kellogs liquid breakfast poppers. From Term I 2014 we will serve orange juice as well. Plastic containers are available for students to take rice for lunch if they like. Students may also bring their homework to breakfast club.

Drumming workshop – rhythm of life (Auburn diversity services)

10 students from refugee background and students at risk of disengagement are selected to attend 10 weeks drum workshop where they learn about conflict resolution, study skills, effective communication, team work, leadership and anger management. Students attend an excursion at the end of the workshop.

Welcome program

On the first day of every term the Welcome Program supports the transition of students from the IEC to the High School. It involves: a Power point familiarizing students with school rules, school staff, who to ask for help and Year Advisers and DP greeting students, completing activities in a booklet which has information about school grounds, school staff, local libraries information and treasure hunt activity; students receiving their timetable and explained, sports selection, receiving pencil cases with pens, pencils, ruler and book packs according to their year demands. Students are told when there is homework help available.

Parent cooking class

In Term IV parents are taught how to cook quick meals including both savory and sweet. Mostly the meals are based on parent's request to cook something that their teenage children would like. Parents cook a meal and then they take their creations home.

Homework help

Homework help is available from Ms Fenton every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:am till roll call. Lunch – every day except when on playground duty. After school: Tuesday, Wed and Thursday on request.


  • UTS Summer school – 2 weeks in January holidays (started 2013 – ongoing)
  • Study and learning skills  are targeted through a number of programs such as UTS summer school and UTS visits. UTS gives allocation for refugee students (10 last year and 15 this year) and Aboriginal students. Year 10 students are selected based on their career focus, school results, in consultation with subject teachers and interviews with students. Selected students choose an area of study (Business, IT, Film, Engineering, Science, Nursing), attend orientation day together with their school teacher and attend 2 weeks of university workshops in January. UTS follows up with mentoring and study skills workshops in Year 11 and 12.

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